JET Programme Series: Tanoshimi Masho! (Let’s have fun!) - Patrice Nurse

JET Programme Series: Tanoshimi Masho! (Let’s have fun!) - Patrice Nurse
JET Programme Series: Tanoshimi Masho! (Let’s have fun!) - Patrice Nurse
JET Programme Series: Tanoshimi Masho! (Let’s have fun!) - Patrice Nurse

JET Programme Series: Tanoshimi Masho! (Let’s have fun!) - Patrice Nurse

JET Programme Series: Tanoshimi Masho! (Let’s have fun!) - Patrice Nurse
Well hello there! My name is Patrice Nurse and I am now 30 years of age. I was born in Diego Martin and moved to Chaguanas for some of my teenage years but I have spent most of my life in the small seaside village of Carenage. I have always had big dreams bigger than my beloved Trinidad and Tobago, however. At some point in life, I had to make working and living in another country a part of my story and Japan and the JET Program quickly became the culmination of all of my desires.
It is not an exaggeration to say that this moment has been a lifetime in the making. Japan has always been a part of my life, maybe even before I was fully aware of it. As a child, I was exposed to anime and video games via my older brother. He’d be watching Fairy Tale or Bleach and when our cousin came over, we’d play Super Smash Brothers and Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo 64 and a computer emulator. As I got older and started choosing hobbies and interests on my own, I still gravitated towards anime, video games and I’ve always had a special place for Nintendo systems in my heart.
My mother passed when I was 16 and my father was not in my life beyond the occasional phone call, then he too passed when I was 25. My family was also not particularly helpful in my life’s journey. A few loans and many supportive friends later, I was able to attain my Bachelor’s degree Public Sector Management. I have been working since then but I never really settled into any one thing because deep down I knew that one day, I’d be going on to the next adventure.
It has been 9 years since university. Many of my peers have gotten married, had kids, seen some of the world or are moving up in their careers. Then there’s me, a pandemic, a breakup, heartbreak and a lot of hard work and healing later, moving to Tokyo, Japan! I wish there was an easier route to this destination but either way, I did it! In fact, we did it. Everyone in my life that has been a positive influence and supportive beyond words, this is our win. So we’re going to Japan and I couldn’t be more excited for this incredible opportunity and adventure.
Even though my career up to this point hasn’t involved children in a direct way, I am happy to be working with them. I don’t know if it’s my own upbringing or just human instinct but I am compelled to make the world a better place for them and I am happy to have that chance. I also have the privilege of being an ‘ambassador’ of Trinidad and Tobago and will continue to make a good name for my little country.
I am eternally grateful for the love and support of my friends, siblings, cousins, coworkers and my online acquaintances over the years. I wouldn’t have made it this far without them. I am also thankful for the women that they were like adoptive mothers to me, for their kindness and love. This adventure I’m embarking on is by extension their adventure, so let’s have fun!

JET Series: Tanoshimi Masho! (Let's have fun!) (Japanese Embassy's Facebook) 

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