JET Programme Series: TTP – Trust The Process - Kheshwar Parsan

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JET Programme Series: TTP – Trust The Process - Kheshwar Parsan

TTP – Trust The Process

My name is Kheshwar Parsan, all the way from Claxton Bay. I have a degree in Computer Engineering from UTT and have been in the tech industry my whole life. I am extremely delighted to be selected as a JET participant, even though my teaching knowledge is limited and my entire background consists of IT. (Trust The Process starts here)
For the past year and a half, I have had the JET Programme instructions website open on my computer and I looked at it every day, waiting for the application period to finally open. Of course, in true Trini fashion, I submitted my application 2 days before the deadline.

Nevertheless, I was accepted and was placed in Tokyo in Machida City! This could not have been more of a surprise as hundreds of JETs would dream of going Tokyo to live. This dream became my reality and let’s just say, I’m still in disbelief. Over the phone, my excitement may have not been the most noticeable, but after the call, the news hit me like a bullet train and I was bouncing off the walls (literally), all over the room with excitement.

The change is a tough one though, but I remember reading a quote, which states, “Your new life will cost you your old one” and it has stuck with me. The pressures of doing that is immense, but, this is what I signed up for. My life and job started to feel mundane as in every week becomes a “waiting for Friday” feeling which does not sit right with me. I realized that, in order to grow, I need to come out of my comfort zone. And what better way to do that, than to move 14,406 kilometres across the globe to a country where I can’t speak the language? Yeah, that self.

To circle back to my title, Trust The Process, is something I often try to bestow on my fellow JETs who may get a bit overwhelmed or panicked. The reality is, this program has existed before I was born, and I trust that everything works out, even if it doesn’t seem like it at first. Jumping into the unknown is scary, but not jumping is even scarier.

Remember to Trust The Process.

JET Series: TTP - Trust The Process (Japanese Embassy's Facebook) 

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